Antiquarian Auctions

Auction #122 begins on 03 Apr 2025

Auction #9 Results

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Lot 3

De Raay, Leon

The History of the Postcards, Envelopes and Wrappers of the Orange Free State and Orange River Colony (Part III; edition limited to 100 copies; 1923) (from the library of Andre Bezuidenhout)

Lot 5

Curle, J H and A E Basden

Transvaal Postage Stamps (1940) (from the library of Andre Bezuidenhout)

Lot 7

Mathews, Major Ian B (retired) and seven others

Transvaal Philately. The Stamps, Forgeries, Postal History and Miscellanea of the Transvaal Territories from Inception to Union (1986) (from the library of Andre Bezuidenhout)

Lot 10

Buckley, G D and W B Marriott

Stamps of the Orange Free State (3 vols; 1966-1976) (from the library of Andre Bezuidenhout)

Lot 11

Fenn, A Cecil

Orange Free State. Postal and other markings 1868-1910. An original study (numbered and signed edition of 125 copies; 1956) (from the library of Andre Bezuidenhout)

Lot 13

Rich, Stephen G

Philately of the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 (annotated; 1943) (from the library of Andre Bezuidenhout)

Lot 16

Mabbett, B J

St Helena. The philately of the camps for Boer prisoners of war. April 1900 to August 1902 (1985) (from the library of Andre Bezuidenhout)

Lot 20

Janse, A.J.T.

The Moths of South Africa ( 18 separate books - 7 Volumes)

Lot 21

Creswicke, Louis

South Africa and the Transvaal War - 1st Ed, 1900 - 7 Vols.

Lot 24

Lawrence Green

Great African Mysteries

Lot 27

Jurgens, A A

The Bechuanalands. A brief history of the countries and their postal services 1836 -1895 (1945) (from the library of Andre Bezuidenhout)

Lot 30



Lot 33

Boy,Gordon & Clive Ward

SNOWCAPS ON THE EQUATOR,The Fabled Mountains of Kenya,Tanzania,Uguanda and Zaire

Lot 34



Lot 43

Ingrid Machen

Antbears and Targets for Zulu Assegais (Signed)

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