Petrarch. Il Petrarcha col commento di M. Sebastiano Favsto da Longiano : con rimario et epiteti in ordine d'alphabeto nuovamente stampato. Colored colophon. Rare early edition. Colophon (l. 302b) : Stampato in Vinegia a san Moyse, al segno dell'Angelo Raphael, per Francesco di Alessandro Bindoni, e Mapheo Pasini, compagni. Ne gl'anni del nostro Signore M.D. XXXII.
Triomphi del Petrarcha leaves 229a-302aj
See analysis in Cornell University. Library. Catalogue of the Petrarch collection, p. 94. The only edition of Fausto's commentary.
Contemporary colored colophon of the Angel Raphael at rear. Early nineteenth century half vellum with marble paper over boards, vellum corners, paper labels with titles, title page in two fragments pasted on added page, without loss of text (work contemporary to the binding). Last 200 pages stained at lower corner otherwise fine.
Offered for sale by Denis Gouey of 'And Books Too' - for more information please contact him via email at [email protected] or text 8605425813
- Sold By: And Books Too
- Contact Person: Denis Gouey
- Country: United States
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone: 8605425813
- Preferred Payment Methods: Square, PayPal, Checks
- Trade Associations: None