15 pamphlets which are in good condition covering 1928 – 1985
Rifle Training Notes for Fire Unit Commanders Oefening in die Gebruik van die Geweer Leidraad vir Aanvoerders van Vuureenhede Pretoria, General Staff, Union Defence Forces, 1928 21 p. & 23 p. (2x)
Infantry Section Leading For South African Forces Police Reserve (Witwatersrand Command) For private circulation to members of the Police Force Johannesburg, Witwatersrand Command, 1940. 117 p.
Police Reserve Manual of Arms Drill Headquarters (Witwatersrand Command) For private circulation to members of the Police Force Johannesburg, Witwatersrand Command, 1940. 24 p. ill. fold.
Manual of Infantry Training 1940 Pamphlet No. 4 Field Training General Staff, U.D.F., Defence Headquarters, Pretoria, 1940 28 p.
Manual of Infantry Training 1940 Pamphlet No. 3- Part II. Ceremonial Adjudant-General Defence Headquarters, Pretoria, 1942 63 p.
Supplementary Range Tables for B.L. 5.5.-inch Gun, Mark 3 1945 Coloured smoke and coloured flare shell, B.E. The War Office 1945 26 p.
British South Africa Police Reserve Training Notes 1959. 24 p.
Troop Commanders Verbal Orders Suggested Headings and Sequence Attack, Defence, Withdrawal Helicopter Assault, Patrols Royal Marines 1962 11 p.
Artillery Training Volume I Artillery in Battle Pamphlet No. 1 Organization, Command and Employment The War Office 1948 58 p.
Artillery Training Volume I Artillery in Battle Pamphlet No. 4 Employment and Planning of Defences Ministry of defence, 1965 58 p.
Artillery Training Volume I Artillery in Battle Pamphlet No. 6 Artillery staff and duties War Office 1954 142 pages
Artillery Training Volume II Artillery in Battle Pamphlet No. 4 Handling of Units in the Field : The Air Op War Office 1956 45 pages
Artillery Training Volume III Artillery in Battle Pamphlet No. 2 Vuurdissipline (Afrikaans only) Army headquarters 1958
South African Navy: Small arm safety instructions SANOP 7801 (Restricted) Naval Headquarters 1985
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