Rebound with gilt lettering on spine, new end pages, pp. xi + 328. Heavy foxing on first and last pages and scattered elsewhere. Text pages in fair condition, binding fine.
From the Preface by the Author: “The Uitlanders" said he (Paul Kruger), ‘are like a flock of aasvogels, which have come to prey upon this land. You are young men and must heed my words. Some day we shall have to fire a few shots amongst them to drive them away; but not yet. They have not taken enough gold out of the earth yet. The time to shoot an aasvogel is when he is gorged.”
"This attitude upon the part of the Boers – of whom Paul Kruger may be taken to be the type – is illustrated by several incidents in the following pages.
"I have in no way attempted to set down historical fact. But, while it has been said of some authors that they have studied South Africa through the windows of a railway carriage and then gone away and written a book about it, I having been born in that country, and having passed all my life there, can speak that I do know and have seen.”
- Binding Condition: Very Good
- Overall Condition: Fair
- Size: 14x19.5 cm
- Sold By: Richmond Books and Prints
- Contact Person: John Donaldson
- Country: South Africa
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone: 081 270 8827
- Preferred Payment Methods: Credit Card, Electronic Transfer & Paypal
- Trade Associations: AA Approved