'n Monografie van die Nasionale Kultuurhistoriese Museum, Pretoria.
Hoofaanvoerders, Generaals, Kommandante, Veldkornette, Korpsoffisiere en meer.
Meer as 730 offisiere word hierin aangeteken: 83 generaals, 323 kommandante, 147 veldkornette, 10 kolonels, 10 majoors, 67 kapteins en 94 luitenante.
Glossy pictorial covers, 234 pages. The dust jacket has some tape reinforcement at the rear, name in ink on titel pages of a previous owner. A copy in good condition.
- Jacket Condition: Good
- Binding Condition: Good
- Overall Condition: Good
- Size: 4to (280 x 220 mm)
- Sold By: Mantis Books
- Contact Person: Charl Yates
- Country: South Africa
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone: 0833219905
- Preferred Payment Methods: EFT & Paypal
- Trade Associations: AA Approved