RYCAUT, Sir Paul (1628-1700) THE LIVES OF THE POPES First Edition, 1685 Folio, engraved portrait frontispiece, title printed in red and black, early engraved bookplate, contemporary mottled calf gilt spine lacking label, upper joint cracking, [Wing P2403] Published by Christopher Wilkinson.
Sir Paul Rycaut, a renowned historian and diplomat, presents a comprehensive account of the lives of the popes in this first edition volume. He studied at Cambridge and held various diplomatic positions throughout his career. His notable works include Present State of the Ottoman Empire (1668) and a continuation of Knolles's General Historie of the Turks. Additionally, Rycaut translated Platina's Latin History of the Popes.
- Sold By: John Bale Books LLC
- Contact Person: Donato Gaeta
- Country: United States
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone: 2032324338
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- Trade Associations: ABAA