First Edition: 2 volumes, 707 + 325 pages, many illustrations from photographs, laminated pictorial boards, a very good copy in pictorial slip case, author's presentation inscription on the title page of volume I, also signed on the title page of volume II.
'Volume I recounts the history behind the doctors, nurses and other medical practitioners during the war. The British and Boer medical military organizations are explained in detail, giving new insights into the difficulties experiences by each side of the war. The contribution of neutral countries and organizations such as the Red Cross is also dealt with and gives the reader a good idea of the influence this war had on countries as far away as Canada, Belgium, Germany, France and Russia.
'Volume II is predominantly concerned with the clinical aspects of military medical care and deals with wounds produced by particular missiles, the surgical handling of these wounds by surgeons on both sides, surgical anaesthesia and diagnostic radiology. The plague epidemic in Cape Town, psychiatric disorders as presented in combatants in both camps and the impact of typhoid and other infections, are described. The story is also told of traditional remedies used by the Boers and the work of a number of unqualified Boer medical helpers during the guerrilla phase of the war.' Editor's note.
- Overall Condition: Very good
- Size: 8vo (260 x 170 mm)
- Sold By: Clarke's Africana & Rare Books
- Contact Person: Paul Mills
- Country: South Africa
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone: 021 794 0600
- Preferred Payment Methods: Visa & Mastercard via PayGate secure links and Bank transfers.
- Trade Associations: ABA - ILAB, SABDA