Proceedings of the legislative council, which covered matters such as: tobacco sales, agriculture and animal diseases, appropriation ordinances, budget speech, census ordinance, a coupon system on the mines, customs, de Beers diamond concession, education, farming, railroads, geological survey, mining, health, labour, magistrates courts, sale of residential stands etc etc among many other topics.
These debates were apparently reprints from reports in the Rhodesian Herald, which publicised government debates and legislation of the day.
145 pp in wraps. Somewhat dog-eared, ex library copy with number on spine.
- Binding Condition: Fair-good
- Overall Condition: Fair-good
- Size: 170 x 230 mm
- Sold By: Africana Books
- Contact Person: Stefan Blank
- Country: South Africa
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone: 021 4475741
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