First edition: 310 pages, 3 hand drawn maps, 71 illustrations, original crocodile skin patterned green cloth titled gilt on the upper cover and spine with bevelled boards fraying at the top of the spine, with distinctive gold end papers, light foxing in the text - the photographs printed on coated paper are bright, a good copy.
Czech (Kenneth) An annotated Bibliography of African Big Game Hunting Books, 1785 to 1999, page 268. ‘A handsome volume that examines wild game, its habitat and spoor within Kenya, Uganda and the eastern Congo Regions. Stigand observes game traits on the plains, and in the bush and forested areas detailing animal movements, coloration and even preservation of game. There are interesting chapters comparing hunting big game to shooting and also on stalking.’
- Size: 4to (280 x 220mm)
- Sold By: Clarke's Africana & Rare Books
- Contact Person: Paul Mills
- Country: South Africa
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone: 021 794 0600
- Preferred Payment Methods: Visa & Mastercard via PayGate secure links and Bank transfers.
- Trade Associations: ABA - ILAB, SABDA