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Uitgegee deur Die Vriende van die Oorlogmuseum.
Laminated soft covers, 80 pages, illustrated with sepia photos. A copy in very good condition.
From the Introduction: "... a guide to the historical sights in the Southern Free State associated with the Anglo-Boer War and the history of the towns.
"To place the sights in historical perspective, a short overview of the war in the Southern Free State is given and illustrated with maps.
This brochure contains the names of the 771 British soldiers buried in the Garden of Remembrance, in cemeteries or on battle fields, as well as the names of 277 burghers mentioned on monuments and memorial stones.
Jacobsdal, Luckhoff, Koffiefontein, Fauresmith, Jagersfontein, Philippolis, Dewetsdorp, Reddersburg, Wepener, Springfontein, Bethulie, Trompsburg, Edenburg, Smithfield, Rouxville, Zastron, Hobhouse, Norvalspont.
- Binding Condition: Very good
- Overall Condition: Very good
- Size: 4to (290 x210mm)
- Name: Mantis Books
- Contact Person: Charl Yates
- Country: South Africa
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone: 0833219905
- Preferred Payment Methods: EFT & Paypal
- Trade Associations: AA Approved