Art & Art Reference - Auction #12 Results
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Lot 36
Beresford, Frank E (artist)
An Exhibition of Paintings and Sketches of South Africa and the Rhodesias (with handwritten annotations; 1949)
Lot 43
Hudleston, Sarah
Against All Odds - Mpemba
Lot 71
A J Werth
J.H. Pierneef, Pretorianer, Transvaler, Suid-Afrikaner
Lot 73
Matthys Strydom
Franscois Krige
Lot 77
F Haenggi
Lucas Sithole 1958 -1979. A pictorial review of South Africa\'s major Black sculptor
Lot 78
Brendan Bell and Bryony Clarke
Gerard Bhengu 1910 - 1990 - A Retrospective Exhibition
Lot 81
David Shepherd
AN ARTIST IN AFRICA Signed by Author
Lot 96
Andrea Lewis & Shea Albert
Journeys To The Interior - Unseen Works by Irma Stern 1929 - 1939
Lot 98
Muller Ballot
Christo Coetzee - Signed by ARTIST and AUTHOR
Lot 118
Mellanie Hillebrand
The Women of Olifantsfontein - South African Studio Ceramics / Die Vroue Van Olifantsfontein
Lot 119
Neville Dubow
Paradise - The Journal and Letters (1917-1933) of Irma Stern. Edited by Neville Dubow
Lot 144
Barbara Lindop
Sekoto - The Art of Gerard Sekoto
Lot 172
Sue Hart
Drawn from Life. A Portfolio of Wildlife Drawings By Zakkie Eloff.