Antiquarian Auctions

Auction #120 begins on 16 Jan 2025

Botanical - Auction #55 Results

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Lot 8

John WILKINSON, artist, born 1934, in Northampton, England.

Original botanical watercolour on vellum "Nerine fothergillii major"

The Nerine genus is native to South Africa.

Lot 70

Meredith et al

Grasses and Pastures of South Africa

Lot 90

Pappe (L.)


Or, An Enumeration of South African Plants Used as Remedies by the colonists of the Cape of Good Hope

Lot 188

Van der Walt (J.J.A.) & Vorster (P.J.)


Including some representative species from other parts of the world. Illustrations Ellaphie Ward-Hilhorst.

Lot 189

Van der Walt (J.J.A.) & Vorster (P.J.)

PELARGONIUMS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA (Volume 3, Subscribers' Edition)

Including some representative species from other parts of the world. Illustrations Ellaphie Ward-Hilhorst.

Lot 190

Van der Walt (J.J.A.) & Vorster (P.J.)

PELARGONIUMS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA (Volume 2, Subscribers' Edition)

Illustrations Ellaphie Ward-Hilhorst.

Lot 202

John PARKINSON (1567-1750) - King of HANOVER's copy

Paradisi in Sole Paradisus. or A Garden of all sorts of Pleasant Flowers ... a Kitchen Garden ... and an Orchard

The King of Hanover's copy, son of King George III of Great Britain, 110 woodcuts

Lot 222

M'Nab, William

A Treatise on the Propagation, Cultivation, and General Treatment of Cape Heaths

In a Climate Where they Require Protection During the Winter Months

Lot 234

Warner (Brian) and Rourke (John)


Sir John and Lady Herschel at the Cape 1834 to 1838

Lot 281

Ben-Erik vn Wyk, Bosch van Oudshoorn, Nigel Gericke - Ben-Erik vn Wyk, Nigel Gericke

Medicinal Plants of South Africa & People's Plants a uide to the useful plants of Southern Africa

Lot 288

Bolus, Harry

Icones Orchidearum Austro-Africanarum Extra-tropicarum;

or, Figures, with Descriptions, of Extra-tropical South African Orchids [Orchids of South Africa]

Lot 293

Watt, John Mitchell, and Maria Gerdina Breyer-Brandwijk

The Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Southern Africa

Lot 316

Jacobsen, W B G

The Ferns and Fern Allies of Southern Africa

Lot 319

Baker, H. A., and E. G. H. Oliver

Ericas in Southern Africa

Lot 390

Hennessy, Esme and Hedge, Tessa


Selenipedium - Phragmipedium - Criosanthes - Cypripedium - Paphiopedilum

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