Antiquarian Auctions

Auction #117 begins on 22 Aug 2024

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Auction Number Started Ended
Auction #101 25 August 2022 1 September 2022
US Auction #12 3 August 2022 10 August 2022
Auction #100 14 July 2022 21 July 2022
Auction #99 2 June 2022 9 June 2022
US Auction #11 4 May 2022 11 May 2022
Auction #98 21 April 2022 28 April 2022
Auction #97 3 March 2022 10 March 2022
US Auction #10 11 February 2022 23 February 2022
Auction #96 20 January 2022 27 January 2022
Auction #95 11 November 2021 18 November 2021
US Auction #9 9 November 2021 23 November 2021
Auction #94 30 September 2021 7 October 2021
US Auction #8 1 September 2021 3 September 2021
Auction #93 19 August 2021 26 August 2021
Auction #92 8 July 2021 15 July 2021
US Auction #7 17 June 2021 24 June 2021
Auction #91 27 May 2021 3 June 2021
Auction #90 15 April 2021 22 April 2021
US Auction #6 18 March 2021 25 March 2021
Auction #89 4 March 2021 11 March 2021
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