The British Army has its origins as a national fighting force in the mid-seventeenth century and the aftermath of the Civil War. Although some units claim earlier origins, the Coldstream Guards, established by Oliver Cromwell, has the longest continous history of any regiment.
Britain's subsequent rise to world and imperial power was accompanied throughout by wars and military expeditions. Marlborough's victory at Blenheim in 1704, Wolfe's success at Quebec in 1759 and Wellington's hard-fought campaigns in the Peninsular War are some of the earlier highlights, while the Victorian era saw 'little wars' throughout the Empire and bravery and blundering in the Crimea. The role of the British Army in the harsh struggles of the twentieth century's two world wars has been much debated but some commentators believe that the defeat of the German Army in 1918 has been the British Army's greatest achievement. Most recently the continuing NATO commitment, the troubles in Northern Ireland and the Falklands War have seen the army's professionalism and espertise tested to the full.
Half Title, Coloured Title, Contents, Introduction. 224 pages text with a full range of supporting photographs etc.
ISBN 1 85833 768 2
- Jacket Condition: Fine
- Binding Condition: Fine
- Overall Condition: Fine
- Size: 31 X 23.5cm
- Sold By: Quathlamba Winds Books
- Contact Person: Ian & Yvonne Halford
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