Six bound volumes of the very scarce and important Cape Monthly Magazine. Each volume contains six consecutive monthly issues which were then bound up in quarter leather by Saul Solomon and furnished with a title page, index and, in some cases, a preface.
Indexes of the volumes have been added in the image box.
The volumes are as follows:
Vol.II: July to December 1857 - signature of who I assume to be "George" Brittain at the top of the title page. He was one of the son's of William Brittain, the publisher of this volume. Brittain published several of Ludwig Pappe's botanical works and this volume contains an article by Pappe on Cape ferns (see: pp.257-287, & pp.359-381).
Vol.V: January to June 1859
Vol.VII: January to June 1860 - this volume contains five portrait photographs (all present) of important Cape personalities of the period, to wit The Hon. Mr. Justice Watermeyer; Hon. E. M. Cole, Auditor-General; Lieutenant-Colonel Apperley; Mr. Speaker Brand; John Fairbairn, Esq.
Vol.VIII: July to December 1860
Vol.IX: January to June 1861
Vol.X: July to December 1861
Six very good volumes of the scarce early issues of The Cape Monthly Magazine in their original quarter leather Cape bindings.
- Binding Condition: Very Good
- Overall Condition: Very Good
- Sold By: Rare Paper
- Contact Person: Armandt Marais
- Country: South Africa
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone: 0741235861
- Preferred Payment Methods: EFT, Bank Deposit. For International Customers: Paypal with 6% surcharge, International Transfer
- Trade Associations: A. A. Approved