Antiquarian Auctions

Auction #117 begins on 22 Aug 2024

Religion - US Auction #10 Results

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Lot 25

1634 miniature Imitation of Christ

Lot 35

1684 Janséniste binding NICOLE Traité de l'Oraison

Lot 39

COMBER's "...Advice to the Roman Catholicks" 1686

Lot 40

1685 prayers for Kings CHARLES I and JAMES II

Lot 81

1812 US Bible-class textbook by H. WILBUR

Lot 118

Ralph STEADMAN 3 publicity posters, 1983-1988-1994

Lot 171

Fine Binding elaborated metal works, full leather

Lot 237

Occult, Religion, Philosophy , Spiritualism,

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