History - Auction #112 Results
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Lot 195
Donald R. Morris
The Washing of the Spears
A History of the Rise of the Zulu Nation under Shaka, and Its Fall in the Zulu War of 1879
Lot 251
G. U. Aitchison
A Collection of Treaties, Engagements and Sanads Relating to India, Arabia and Neighbouring Countries
Containing the Treaties &c. Relating to Aden and the South Western Coast of Arabia, …
Lot 274
Pearce, Francis Barrow Major
Zanzibar : The Island Metropolis of Eastern Africa
Lot 354
William B. Boyce
Notes on South African Affairs from 1834 to 1838;
with reference to the civil, political, and religious Condition, of the Colonists and Aborigines.
Lot 355
[William Wilberforce Bird]
State of the Cape of Good Hope in 1822.