Rhodesiana - Auction #73 Results
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Lot 64
The '96 Rebellions
The British South Africa Company Reports on the Native Disturbances in Rhodesia, 1896-97
Lot 139
William Harvey Brown
On the South African Frontier. The Adventures and Observations of an American in Mashonaland and Matabeleland.
Lot 228
Reid-Daly, Ron & Stiff, Peter
top secret war; Lt. Col. Ron Reid Daly, as told to Peter Stiff
Lot 421
P. de Bonnefont de Varinay
La Compagnie de Mozambique (1899; 1st Edition)
Stunning work about the colonisation of Southeast and South Africa and The Mozambique Company, a public company for mining and colonial enterprises in Mozambique and…
Lot 422
Albert Bordeaux
Rhodesie et Transvaal. Impressions de Voyage (1900)
With great folding Map (50 x 37 cm) of Transvaal, The Orange Free State, Natal and Cape Colony and 8 original photographs. Author was in southern Africa in 1895-96.