Auction #80 Results
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Lot 31
Stammers, Michael. K
The Passage Makers
Lot 34
Karabell, Zachary
Parting The Desert - The Creation of the Suez Canal
Lot 36
Byles, John
Diary of a Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope in 1858 (Inscribed to author's sister)
Lot 38
[Roppe (L.), Rock (P.) & Jonckheere (K.)]
Signed & Dated & Original drawing on title page
Lot 40
Baines, the late Thomas; H Hall (editor); unknown (preface); H Rawlinson (obituary)
The Gold Regions of South Eastern Africa (1877)
Accompanied by a biographical sketch of the author and a large folding map
Lot 42
Frieda Harmsen
Lot 44
Tyrrell, Barbara (author and illustrator); and others
Barbara Tyrrell trio
Lot 45
Breytenbach, J H, (Staatshistorikus [State Historian])
Die Geskiedenis van die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog in Suid-Africa, 1899 -1902 (2 volumes [of 5], 1969-1971)
Deel I. Die Boere-Offensief, Okt.-Nov. 1899. Deel II. Die Eerste Britse Offensief, Nov.-Des. 1899
Lot 46
Medical Registers: 1. Orange River Colony (1904); 2. Colony of the Cape of Good Hope (1907); 3. Union of South Africa (1933)
Published under the Direction of: 1. The Medical and Pharmacy Council of the Orange River Colony. 2. The Colonial Medical Council and the Colonial Pharmacy Board of…
Lot 49
Defence Headquarters, Pretoria
Union Military Discipline Code, Regulations, and Orders and Instructions (1913)
Lot 53
Molsbergen, Dr E C Godee
Stichter van Hollands Zuid-Afrika Jan van Riebeeck 1618-1677 (1912)
Lot 54
Mossop, George
Running the Gauntlet (two copies: first edition,1935, and 1990 reprint)
Some Recollections of Adventure
Lot 55
Not stated
Cape Town Foreshore Plan. Final Plan (1948)
Lot 56
Women of South Africa (1913)
A historical, biographical and educational encyclopaedia and social directory of the women of our country
Lot 59
Puyfontaine, Huguette Roy de
Louis Michell Thibault 1750-1815 (1972)
His official life at the Cape of Good Hope