Louis de FOLIN & L. PERIER, E. LAMY, and others.
[FRANCE & SWITZERLAND. – malacological works in French, 20 works in 14 volumes, the majority signed, mostly off-prints].
1.Leopold Alexandre Guillaume de FOLIN (1817-1896) & Jean Pierre Leon PERIER. Notice sur les fonds de la mer. Bordeaux: 1878. Octavo. (Toned). Original blue/grey wrappers, stapled into cream paper wrappers. (Toned). Provenance: Joseph Charles Hippolyte CROSSE (1826-1898, presentation from Folin). Off-print.
2.Edouard LAMY (1866-1942). Les Theories Explicatives de la perforation par les mollusques lithophages et xylophages. Paris: 1921. Octavo. Original paper wrappers, stapled into cream paper wrappers. Privenance: Leon Diguet (1859-1926, author’s presentation inscription). Off-print.
3.Salomon HERZENSTEIN. [Drop-head title:] Apercu sur la faune malacologique de l’Ocean Glacial russe. [Moscow?: no date but c.1898]. Octavo. Stapled into cream paper wrappers. Provenace: Alexander Agassiz (author’s presentation inscription); ‘Duplicate Clench’ inkstamp.
4.,5.&6.Maurice Armand CHAPER (1834-1896). [Drop-head title:] Description de quelques especes et genres nouveaux de coquilles vivantes. [Meulan: 1885?]. 1 lithographic plate. Original grey upper wrapper. Provenance: MCZ (author’s presentation inscription ‘To the Library’, blindstamp). [bound with:] M.A. CHAPER. [Drop-head title:] Description de quelques especes nouvelles de coquilles vivantes provenant de l’Afrique Australe et d’Assine. [Meulan: 1885?]. 1 lithographic plate. Provenance: MCZ (author’s presentation inscription ‘To the Library’, blindstamp). [and:] M.A. CHAPER. [Drop-head title:] Drop-head title:] Note sue quelques Unionidae de Grece. [Paris: 1894]. 2 lithographic plates. (Toned). Original upper wrapper bound in. 3 works, all off-prints, bound in one volume. Stapled into cream paper wrappers.
7.-20.[Fourteen works in 10 volumes, the majority inscribed by their authors. See images for a selection]. (20 in 14 volumes)
RIJ 17, 48, 107, 214, 354, 372, 375, 411, 424, 594, 667, 875, 1133, 1188.
- Binding Condition: Acceptable
- Overall Condition: Acceptable
- Size: Various
- Sold By: Shadowrock Rare Books
- Contact Person: Adam Langlands
- Country: United States
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone: 001-860-248-1547
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- Trade Associations: AA Approved