Antiquarian Auctions

Auction #122 begins on 03 Apr 2025

US Auction #6 Results

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Lot 3

Frederick Augustus GENTH (1820-1893, recipient). – Timothy Abbott CONRAD (1803-1877).

[NORTH AMERICA. -] A Synopsis of the Family of Naïades of North America,

an off-print from ‘Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia’, vol.VI. pp.243-269 reset

Lot 4

Edmund RAVENEL (1797-1871).

Catalogue of Recent Shells...; Catalogue of Recent and Fossil Shells in the Cabinet of the late Edmund Ravenel

two works, quite rare, the two catalogues of Ravenel’s private collection.

Lot 6

William A. HAINES.

Catalogue of the Terrestrial Shells in the collection of William A. Haines.

A section of "one of finest scientifically valuable [shell] collections in the world" ('Shellers from Past and Present')

Lot 7

[Andrew D. BROWN, of Princeton, New Jersey (d.1886)].

Catalogue of the Genera Helix, Anostoma, [etc.]... in the collection of A.D. Brown

with 2 ALS signed from ‘Mrs. David Brown’, Andrew Brown’s mother, to ‘Prof. Gray’

Lot 8

Lorenzo Gordin YATES (1837-1909).

Catalogue of L.G. Yates Collection , Santa Barbara, Cal. Part I. Foreign land and fresh water shells.

Presentation copy. Charles Camp described Yates as ‘an almost omnipotent naturalist’.

Lot 9

W.M. STEWART (artist). - Jacob GREEN (1790-1841, contributor)

[PITTSBURGH & HAWAII]. Contributions of the Maclurian Lyceum to the Arts and Sciences. Vol.I …. No.2.

“First colored illustrations of shells in the United States “ (Richard I. Johnson).

Lot 12

Frank LYMAN (1895-1981).

[Drop-head title] Shell Notes.

This charming, informative and characterful journal was edited throughout by Florida conchologist and shell dealer, Frank Lyman.

Lot 13

J. Thomas L. MCGINTY (1907-1987, contributor). - Paul H. REED (publisher & editor).


A substantial run of a rare periodical work

Lot 14

Julius DIETZ (illustrator). - Prof. Dr. Carl Gustav CARUS (1789-1869).

[Cephalopods] Icones Sepiarum, in litore maris Mediterranei collectarum. Cum tabuis V. aeneis pictis.

towards the end Carus examines the color changes of the squid and refers to Goethe’s essay “Entopische Aufsatz”. The fine plates are from one of the artists…

Lot 15

Carlo PORRO (1813-1848).

Mollusca Terrestria et Fluviatilia edit. i. curante C. Porro.

an interesting, rare, and quite early survey

Lot 16

Yoichiro HIRASE (1859-1925).

[JAPAN: three catalogues of Japanese land and marine shells, for sale from Hirase]

Three catalogues: two from the library of Dr. Wheeler, one from Prof. Jacot.

Lot 18

Armand THIELEN, & Pietro CALCARA

[ITALY: two works, a trip to see the Paulucci collection in Florence, and a monograph published in Palermo].

The first work inscribed, the second on Sicilian shells.

Lot 19


[ITALY - four conchological works, mid 19th century]

All from the libraries of quite distinguished former owners.

Lot 20

Isaac LEA (1792-1886).

[Three malacological works, one inscribed to Lea, two by Lea; with an etched portrait of Lea]

The only conchologist to warrant a poem by Edgar Allan Poe 'It was my choice or chance or curse...'

Lot 21

[The Society of Tryons]. – [Prof. Josiah KEEP (1849-1911)]

[Cover title: The Tryons’ Handbook for Young Conchologists.]

Ephemeral, and very rare – OCLC lists only the Mills College copy.

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