Published by Macmillan, London, 1914. 1st Edition. 323pp. Illustrated with numerous photographs, original binding with faded gilt vignette of a 'pig-sticker' on horse with spear on the front.
Natural history of the wild pig in India, chapters on choosing and training a horse, pig hunting, the hunts, clubs, equipment, spearing other game, etc. ".I have ridden and killed, in company or alone, between 700 and 800 boar".
- Binding Condition: good
- Overall Condition: Good
- Size: 8vo
- Sold By: White Eagle Books
- Contact Person: Andrew Saidi
- Country: United Kingdom
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone: 020 8997 9894
- Preferred Payment Methods: Paypal
- Trade Associations: PBFA IOBA