[SANDINAVIA & GREENLAND. – a collection of 32 malacological works, mostly off-prints or extracts, most in Danish].
1.Johan KOREN (1809-1885) & Daniel Cornelius DANIELSSEN (1815-1894). Bidrag til Pectinibrachiernes Udviklingshistorie [Supplement…]. Bergen: 1851[-1852]. 2 parts in one volume, octavo. 5 lithographic plates. Stapled into cream paper wrappers.
2.Joachim FRIELE (1793-1881). Norske Land- og Ferskvands-Mollusker, Som finds I Omegnen af Christiana og Bergen. [Copenhagen] “Christiana”: 1853. Octavo. (Toned and spotted). Stapled into cream paper wrappers, earlier lower wrapper bound at the back.
3.Japetus STEENSTRUP (1813-1897). [Cephalopods] Sepiadarium og Idiosepius to nye Slaegter af Sepiernes Familie. Copenhagen: 1881. Quarto. 1 engraved plate. (Lightly toned). Original grey paper wrappers (lightly toned), stapled into cream paper wrappers. Provenance: MCZ (presentation inscription, possibly from the author?, blindstamp).
4.Otto Andreas Lowson MOERCH. Fortegnelse over Grønlands bløddyr ... Prodromus faunae molluscorum Grönlandiae. Copenhagen: 1857. Small octavo. Stapled into cream paper wrappers. An off-print, extracted from H. Rink’s “Grønland, geographisk og statistik beskrevet”.
5.Otto Andreas Lowson MOERCH. Forsteningerne i Tertiærlagene i Danmark. Copenhagen: 1874. Small octavo. Stapled into cream paper wrappers. An off-print.
6.-32.[27 others, mostly off-prints or extracts, including works by Nils Odhner and Hans Schlesch. See images for a selection]. (32)
RIJ 414, 415, 418, 585, 588, 680, 681, 685, 728, 867, 868, 869, 870, 871, 872, 873, 1055, 1196, 1201, 1202, 1318, 1417, 1658, 1699, 1700, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 4196, 4207.
- Binding Condition: Acceptable
- Overall Condition: Acceptable
- Size: Various
- Sold By: Shadowrock Rare Books
- Contact Person: Adam Langlands
- Country: United States
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone: 001-860-248-1547
- Preferred Payment Methods: Paypal, US$ checks and wire transfers, major credit cards through paypal
- Trade Associations: AA Approved