Law & Government - Auction #40 Results
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Lot 68
SWA Administration
Verrigtinge van die Vyfde Sessie van die Tweede Kavango Wetgewende Raad
Lot 69
SWA Administration
The Laws of South West Africa 1923
Lot 71
Verslag van die Kommissie van Ondersoek na Nie-Blanke Onderwys in Suidwes-Afrika
Lot 72
SWA Administration
South West Africa - A Five Year Plan for the Development of the Native Areas
Lot 73
SWA - Counter-Memorial filed by the Government of the Republic of South Africa - 9 VOLS
Lot 74
Notule en Aanbevelings van die Skakelkomitee 2 vols
Lot 257
Macfadyen, Alfred Newth (compiler and editor)
Statutes of the Native Territories of the Cape . . . (1907)
Lot 258
E R G (compiler and editor)
Laws Relating to the Native Population of the Transvaal . . . (1907)
Lot 261
Jeppe, Carl, and J H Gey van Pittius (compilers and editors)
Statute Law of the Transvaal 1839-1910. Vol 1. 1839-1900
Lot 307
Parliament of the Union of South Africa
The South Africa Act