Antiquarian Auctions

Auction #122 begins on 03 Apr 2025

US Auction #2 Results

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Lot 2

[Bishop John WILKINS (1614-1672)].

Mathematicall Magick, or, the wonders that may be performed by Mechanical Geometry.

A charming copy of a charming work by “the wisest clergyman I ever knew. He was a lover of mankind, and had a delight in doing good." (G. Burnet)

Lot 4

[Emperor JUSTINIAN (c.482-565)]

[Corpus juris civilis. trans. Body of Civil Law: the foundation of Western legal tradition]

Fine typography, uniform contemporary pigskin bindings

Lot 5

Antonio PEREZ (1583-1673)

Ivs Pvblicvm, quo arcana & iura principis exponuntur

fine copy: a 17th-century Spanish jurist comments on Roman law.

Lot 6

Teodoro ARDEMANS (or ARDMANS, c.1661-1726, Achitect & Painter)

[Building ordinances, Madrid, etc] Ordenanzas de Madrid y otras diferentes, que se practican en las ciudades de Toledo, y Sevilla

Spanish legal building regulations.

Lot 8

G.[ervaise] M.[ARKHAM] and W.[illiam] L.[AWSON]

A Way to Get Wealth containing Six Principall Vocations

Baron Northwick's copy of this 1668 compendium on Gardening, Bee-Keeping, Angling, Tennis, Horses, Farming, Medicene, etc. - six works for the price of one.

Lot 11

Edward KIDDER (1665/6 - 1739)

Kidder's Receipts of Pastry and Cookery, For the Use of his Scholars.

engraved throughout, includes the first recipe for puff pastry

Lot 12

[Samuel PEPYS (1633-1703)]

Memoires relating to the State of the Royal Navy of England, for Ten Years, Determin'd December 1688.

with a related letter and Pepys' portrait bookplate in place of the portrait frontispiece

Lot 15

William COBBETT (1763-1835).

Rural Rides in the Counties of Surrey, Kent, Sussex, Hampshire, [etc.] ... With Economical and Political Observations

extra-illustrated with Cobbett's clipped signature.

Lot 16

Mary Ann Tocker (1778–1853)

[Mary Ann Tocker v. Richard Gurney: a Sammelband containing three of the pamphlets resulting from her trial for libel].

William Cobbett to Mary Ann Tocker "By your eloquence, you have convinced an honest jury, that to utter truth is not a crime..". Mary Ann Tocker (1778–1853) “the…

Lot 17

MALARIA, and its treatment. - Simon MASON (b.1701).

The Nature of an Intermitting Fever and Ague consider'd : wherein is explain'd, the cause of each succeeding symptom

Lot 19

[Dr. Arthur BROUGHTON (c.1756 - 1796)] & Carl von Linne , i.e. LINNAEUS.

Enchiridion Botanicum: complectens Characteres Genericos et Specificos Plantarum per Insulas Britannicas sponte nascentium

Manual of Botany: the generic and specific characteristics of plants which will grow in Britain

Lot 21

[David HUME, Baron Hume (1757–1838), and others]. - Sir Archibald Gordon KINLOCH.

The Trial of Sir Archibald Gordon Kinloch, of Gilmerton, Bart: For the Murder of Sir Francis Kinloch, Bart., His Brother-German

the establishment of 'diminished responsability' as a legal defence in Scotland - argued by Lord Hume

Lot 24

Daniel WEBSTER (1758-1843).

A Dictionary of the English language ... By Noah Webster … Reprinted by E.H. Barker ... from a copy communicated by the Author

Ex-lot 41 from the first sale in March - a second chance to buy this attractive copy of the 1st English edition of Webster's masterwork.

Lot 37

HAITI & DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, including slavery. - William WALTON (1784-1857)

Present State of the Spanish Colonies, Including a ... Report of Hispañola, or ... part of Santo Domingo [etc.]

Ex-lot 131 from US sale #1, where it was unsold, but worth a second look: signed and with manuscirpt material

Lot 38

CIRCUMNAVIGATION. - William SIMPSON (1823 - 1899)

[Meeting the Sun] All Round the World

unsold in US sale 1, ex-lot 27: this lot deserves another chance. a unique copy in terms of title, text and date

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