Antiquarian Auctions

Auction #120 begins on 16 Jan 2025

Auction #85 Results

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Lot 149

Woolfson, Malcolm

The Long Road that led towards the Natal Playhouse(Signed) Numbered 0872 of 1000 copies

Lot 150

Rosenthal, Eric

Runner & Mailcoach + Heinrich Egersdorfer

Lot 151

Luckhoff, Cleaver & De Fenton, Stassen & Van der Heyden

Woman's Endurance, The War Letters of an English Burgher & German publications of the Anglo-Boer War

Lot 152

Clancy, Tom [Thomas L Clancy Jr)

Without Remorse (first impression)

Lot 153

Aaron Arrowsmith

Cape of Good Hope

Lot 155



Lot 160

Tom Sutcliffe


Angles and Anecdotes on Trout Fishing

Lot 161

J.C. (Kay) de Villiers

Healers, Helpers and Hospitals (2 Volumes) Anglo-Boer War

Both books signed by De Villiers

Lot 162

Van den Heever, C M, and P de V Pienaar (editors)

Kultuurgeskiedenis van die Afrikaner (3 volumes)

Die Eerste Beskrywing van die Boere-Volkslewe in al sy Vertakkinge. Met die medewerking van 37 Afrikaanse Gesaghebbendes

Lot 163

Monick, Stanley (author); Christine Heseltine and L E Joubert (maps & illustrations)

A Bugle Calls. The Story of the Witwatersrand Rifles and its Predecessors 1899-1987

Lot 165

Juta, Rene, and W Westhoven

The Cape Peninsula (1910)

Being Pen and Colour Sketches described by Rene Juta and painted by W Westhoven

Lot 168

Vedder, Dr H

Das Alte Suedwestafrika [The Old South West Africa] (1934)

Lot 173

Mutwa, Vusamazulu C

Africa Is My Witness

Lot 177

Ogilvie, Grania; assisted by Carol Graff

The Dictionary of South African Painters and Sculptors, Including Namibia

Lot 178

Graaff, G de (author); R A R Black (photographer)

The Rodents of Southern Africa

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