Botanical - Auction #43 Results
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Lot 186
Williamson, Graham (Foreword by Sir David Attenborough)
Richtersveld - The Enchanted Wilderness
Special Limited Edition + Association Copy
Lot 199
Mason, Hilda (Illustrator) + text by Enid du Plessis and collaborators.
Western Cape Sandveld Flowers
Signed Limited Edition
Lot 205
Goode, Douglas
Cycads of Africa
Consultant editor John Comrie-Greig
Lot 246
Sim, Thomas. R
The Forests and Forest Flora of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope (1907)
Lot 279
Bally, Peter R. O.
The Genus Monadenium
Lot 280
Burrows, J.E.
Southern African Ferns and Fern Allies
Lot 302
Reynolds, Gilbert Westacott
The Aloes of South Africa
Lot 306
Palmer, Eve + Pitman, Norah
Trees of South Africa