Antiquarian Auctions

Auction #121 begins on 27 Feb 2025

US Auction #3 Results

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Lot 1

Elisha Kent KANE; Sir John FRANKLIN

[Polar Exploration; Autograph] Arctic Explorations; Second Grinnell Expedition in search of John Franklin

With Sir John Franklin’s Signature Tipped In

Lot 2


[Bookplate; miniature Elzevier] Epigrammatum Ioan. Oweni Cambro Brittani Oxoniensis. 1647

Latin Epigrams by a Welsh poet

Lot 4

Isaac LEESER, August HAHN, et al.

[Jewish Americana] 1880 Hebrew Bible

1416 pp., original leather spine.

Lot 6

Henry DRURY. Alexander HOPE

[Signed Binding; Contributor’s copy] 1841 Arundines Cami: Sive, Musarum Cantabrigiensium Lusus Canori [text in Latin and English].

Leather binding, Bound by Hering, 9. Newman St. ” Owner known as a London Confederate.

Lot 7

Sir Winston Spencer CHURCHILL (1874-1965)

William HILLMAN - Winston CHURCHILL, Violet Pearman Working File, 1931-1935

Part of an important archive of material recalling the work that Churchill did for Hearst Newspapers during the 'wilderness years”

Lot 8

Randolph CHURCHILL (1911-1968)

William Hillman (1895-1962) - William Randolph Hearst Working File

Lot 9

Sir Winston Spencer CHURCHILL (1874-1965)

Original typescript of an article, starting "Is a European war becoming more probable?", with some corrections by W.S.C.

with Churchill's thoughts on "The United States of Europe ", written for Hearst Newspapers

Lot 10

Sir Winston Spencer CHURCHILL (1874-1965)

Original typescript of article commenting on George Bernard Shaw & Lady Astor's visit to Moscow, & their meeting with Stalin

a carbon-copy of Churchill's Hearst Newspapers article, with some corrections by W.S.C.

Lot 11

Sir Winston Spencer CHURCHILL (1874-1965)

Original typescript article, starting "There has rarely been a crisis in which Hope and Peril.." with some corrections by W.S.C.

Churchill's thoughts on Germany's re-militarization of the Rhineland in March 1936

Lot 12

Sir Winston Spencer CHURCHILL (1874-1965)

Original typescript of an article, titled "Can partition bring peace to Palestine?", with some manuscript corrections by W.S.C.

with Churchill's thoughts on Partition in the wake of the Peel Commission of 1936-1937

Lot 13

Sir Winston Spencer CHURCHILL (1874-1965)

Original typescript of an article, starting "How fares the United States under the bold schemes of President Roosevelt?"

Churchill critiques Roosevelt's 'New Deal", 6pp.carbon copy, with some manuscript corrections by W.S.C.

Lot 14

Sir Winston Spencer CHURCHILL (1874-1965)

Typescripts of two articles on 1.Hitler and the invasion of the Rhineland (1936) and 2. the Japanese invasion of Manchuria (1931)

Lot 15

Sir Winston CHURCHILL (1874-1965) - Walther EBERBACH (1866-1944, sculptor & medalist)

A bronze satirical medal, celebrating Germany’s challenge to the supremacy of the Royal Navy, and poking fun at Churchill.

Lot 16


The Physiology of Taste or, Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy

translation by M. F. K. Fisher with Illustrations by Sylvain Sauvage

Lot 20

Sarah OSBORN (1714-1796. religious leader).

Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Sarah Osborn, Who Died at Newport, Rhode island, on the Second Day of August, 1796.

Edited by Samuel HOPKINS (1721-1803)

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