Biography, Letters & Diaries - Auction #87 Results
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Lot 42
Mentzel, O F; translated from the German by Margaret Greenlees
The Cape in Mid-Eighteenth Century. Being the Biography of Rudolph Siegfried Allemann 1692-1762 (association copy)
Captain of the Military Forces and Commander of the Castle in the Service of the Dutch East India Company at the Cape of Good Hope
Lot 58
Albert Speer
Spandauer Tagebücher (Spandau Diaries) SIGNED by Speer - Hitler's Architect and Minister of Armaments and War Production
Lot 65
Luke, W B
Lord Milner
Lot 172
dr. E. A. Venter
400 Leiers in Suid-Afrika oor Vier Eeue (edition limited to 400 de luxe copies)
"400 South African Leaders of the past Four Centuries"
Lot 296
F E Lloyd
Rhodesian Patrol ( SIGNED )
Lot 349
Michell, The Honourable Sir Lewis
The Life of the Rt Hon Cecil John Rhodes 1853-1902 (2 vols)
Lot 577
Blaikie, William Gordon
The Personal Life of David Livingstone
Chiefly from his unpublished journals and correspondence in the possession of his family