Law & Government - Auction #38 Results
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Lot 48
Tomlinson, F R (chairman), and others
Summary of the Report of the Commission for the Socio-Economic Development of the Bantu Areas within the Union of South Africa (1956)
Lot 62
Waters, A J (compiler)
The Laws of South West Africa 1915-1922 (1923)
Lot 73
Not stated
Owambo Legislative Council [South West Africa]. Proceedings of the fifth session of the third council, 17-23 April 1979
Lot 90
Hansard Reporters
Debates of the First Session of the First Parliament of the [Union] House of Assembly. 1910-1911
Lot 106
Muller, Hilgard (Minister for Foreign Affairs)
South West Africa. South Africa's Reply to the Secretary-General of the United Nations (Security Council Resolution 269 of 1969)
Lot 196
Hansard Reporters
Joint Sitting of Both Houses of Parliament . . . to give force of law to the Separate Representation of Voters Act, 1951 . . . 13 to 27 February 1956