Ornithology - Auction #77 Results
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Lot 67
Bird, A V (author and editor); C S Barlow (foreword); and others
The paintings of Norman Lighton for Roberts Birds of South Africa (number 68 of signed subscribers' edition of 350 copies)
Plates from original paintings by Norman C K Lighton
Lot 106
Fitzsimons, F W
The Natural History of South Africa. Birds Vols I and II (1923)
With 10 coloured plates and numerous illusrations from photographs, etc
Lot 206
Skead, C J (editor)*; John Voelcker (foreword)
The Canaries, Seedeaters and Buntings of Southern Africa
*In collaboration with Jack Vincent, Cecily Niven, G R McLachlan and J M Winterbottom. Colour plates by C G Davies, D M Henry, C E Talbot, Norman Lighton, and John…
Lot 260
Winterbottom, J M (reviser)
Priest's Eggs of Southern African Birds
(First published in 1948; revised edition, first impression 1971)
Lot 324
William Yarrell
A History Of British Birds
Illustrated by 520 wood-engravings.
Lot 358
Mackworth-Price, C W, and Captain C H B Grant
African Handbook of Birds. 1 Birds of Eastern and North-Eastern Africa (2 vols). 2 Birds of the Southern Third of Africa (2 vols)
Lot 359
Clancey, P A (author and illustrator); Dennis Cleaver (photographer)
The Birds of Natal and Zululand (1964) (signed and dated)
Illustrated by 40 colour plates, a map andd 40 text figures by the author and 17 photographic plates by Dennis Cleaver