Antiquarian Auctions

Auction #122 begins on 03 Apr 2025

Botanical - Auction #77 Results

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Lot 16

Marloth, Rudolf (author and photographer*); E Dixie, E Smith and others** (artists)

The Flora of South Africa. Vols I, II (2 sections), III (2 sections) and IV. 1913-1932 (newly rebound)

With Synoptical Tables of the Genera of the Higher Plants

Lot 97

Burrows, John E

Southern African Ferns and Fern Allies

Lot 150

Van Jaarsveld, Ernst, & Daryl Koutnik; Elise Bodley & Lisa Strachan (illustrators)

Cotyledon and Tylecodon

Lot 153

Walker, Joan (artist); Rob Scott-Shaw (scientific editor)

Wild Flowers of KwaZulu-Natal (first and second editions, both inscribed by artist)

First edition (1996): 430 watercolour paintings of wild flowers (mainly in the Kloof area). Second edition ( 2004): 480 watercolour paintings of wild flowers

Lot 189

Doreen Court

Succulent Flora of Southern Africa

A comprehensive and authoritative guide to 164 genera in nine family groups

Lot 200

Jeppe, Barbara; J Lavranos (foreword)

South Africa Aloes (revised and enlarged edition)

Lot 202

Burrows, John and Sandra; and others; Abraham E van Wyk (foreword)

Figs of Southern and South-Central Africa

With contributions by Duncan Butchart (Figs, Birds and other Wildlife), Simon van Noort (Fig Wasps and the Pollination of Figs), and Geoff Nichols (Growing Figs)

Lot 203

White, Alain, R Allan Dyer, Boyd L Sloane (authors); and 15 other collaborators

The Succulent Euphorbieae (Southern Africa). Vols I and II. 1941

Lot 258

Bolus, H M Louisa; Mary M Page, Beatrice O Carter (illustrators)

Notes on Mesembrianthemum and some allied genera. With descriptions of a hundred new species. Part I (signed by author) (1928)

Lot 339

Craib, Charles; Gillian Condy (illustrator); P Vorster (foreword)

Geophytic Pelargoniums. Field and Cultivation Studies of Pelargonium section Hoarea

Lot 378

Codd, L E (editor); Herrat March, Fay Anderson, Rhona Collett and others (artists)*

The Flowering Plants of Africa (Vol 42 only) (half-bound in green-calf)

A magazine containing coloured figures with descriptions of the indigenous flowering plants of Africa

Lot 422

Hilliard, O M, and B L Burtt; Auriol Batten (illustrations); L E Codd (foreword)

Dierama. The Hairbells of Africa

Lot 424

Van der Walt, J J A, and P J Vorster (authors); Ellaphie Ward-Hilhorst (illustrator)

Pelargoniums of Southern Africe (3 vols)

Lot 428

Bayer, Bruce; J G Marx (illustrator); J D Venter (photographs); P V Bruyns (foreword)

Haworthia Revisited. A Revision of the Genus. And The New Haworthia Handbook

Lot 434

Hobson, N K, & J P Jessop; M Ginn & J Kelly (illustrators). B R Roberts (foreword)

Veld Plants of Southern Africa (1975) (copy 40 of the collectors' edition of 50 copies, signed by the authors and illustrators)

Lot 444

Snijman, Deirdre; Ellaphie Ward-Hilhorst (artist); J N Eloff (editor)

A Revision of the Genus Haemanthus L (Amaryllidaceae)

Journal of South African Botany Supplementary Volume No 12

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