Antiquarian Auctions

Auction #117 begins on 22 Aug 2024

Postal History & Stamps - Auction #82 Results

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Lot 70

Various contributors

Lot of Eight - Occasional Papers - The Post Mark & Postal History Society of Southern Africa

Lot 71

Putzel, Ralph.F

The Encyclopaedia of South African Post Offices and Postal Agencies- 4 Volume set

(Including their forerunners in the Cape, Natal, Orange Free State and Transvaal, Basutoland, Bechunanland and Swaziland, etc)

Lot 89

Quik, W.J & Stolk, J

De postwaardestukken van Zuid-West Afrika 1888-1990 - The Postal Stationery of South West Africa 1888-1990

Lot 99


The Post Offices of The Cape Of Good Hope to 1910. Plus Volumes on The Transvaal,Natal and The Orange Free State (5)

Lot 232

Delbeke, Claude.J.P

De Nederlands Scheepspost. Nederland-Oost Indie 1600-1900. Met catalogus van de stempels

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