Antiquarian Auctions

Auction #122 begins on 03 Apr 2025

Americana - US Auction #14 Results

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Lot 4

Rockwell KENT (1882-1971). Rockwellkentiana: Few Words and Many Pictures. 1933. Inscribed by Kent.

Lot 9

H. L. PEEKE. [Alcohol in America] Americana Ebrietatis. NY: Priv. Pr., 1917. Inscr. to Gabriel Wells

Lot 10

Philip ROTH. Portnoy’s Complaint. New York: Random House, 1969, dj. 1st ed. Frank Dobo's copy.

Lot 37

R. BROOKES. General Dispensatory. L: 1753. Later U.S. Binding with owner's name

Lot 53

Polar, Arctic and the origin of the Resolute desk in the White House, 1857. Captain DELANO's copy

Lot 71

Mrs. Hannah WOODRUFF BROWN. [Poetry] Faith Songs. Newark, N.J.: 1881. Self-published - rare

Lot 72

Charles James WARD (overseer). World’s Fair. Jamaica at Chicago. NY: 1893. Presentation copy.

Lot 84

J M JONES. [Natural History of Bermuda. Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1864]. Wrappers. Presentation copy

Lot 85

Will BRADLEY (binding designer). – Edmond ROSTAND. Cyrano de Bergerac. NY: [copyright 1899].

Lot 87

[T. DWIGHT] Journal of a Tour in Italy. NY: 1824. Original boards. Rare thus. 'Grand Tour' narrative

Lot 96

Daniel N. STANTON (“carpetbagger” [?], railroad & tramway investor, etc.) Four 4 large scrapbooks

Lot 108

[J. PIERPONT, W. IRVING, etc.] - Attractive Manuscript copy-book. [New Hampshire: circa 1830s?],

Lot 118

H.L. MENCKEN. Prejudices. First [ - Sixth] Series. N.Y.: 1919-27. 6 works in 6 vols. 1st eds. Boxed

Lot 119

H.L. MENCKEN. [Selection of works]. New York [etc]: 1905-30. 9 works, in 8 slipcases.

Lot 120

H.L. MENCKEN. [Selection of work, by or with contributions from him]. N.Y. [etc.]: 1900-18.18 vols.

Lot 121

H.L. MENCKEN (1880-1956). [Works, by or on Mencken] N.Y. [etc.]: 1909-1930. 33 works or part works.

Lot 122

H.L. MENCKEN. [16 works published by Knopf, by, or on Mencken, or with his contributions]. 1919-27.

Lot 131

Americana: history of South Carolina, by Wallace, 3 volumes. Scarce set.

Lot 133

Native AMERICANS The Indians' Revenge; or, Days Of Horror Some Appalling Events …the Sioux 1881

Lot 134

Americana: The South-West, By a Yankee, 1835, 2 vols. orig. cloth over boards

Lot 158

Grolier Club, Derrydale, Isaiah Thomas, —Books About Books

Lot 162

[BIBLE] 1843 NY Polyglott Bible, Fowler Family, full leather

Lot 170

William FAULKNER (1897-1962). Big Woods: the Hunting Stories. NY: 1955. 1st ed, 1st pr. + DJ.

Lot 183

William ALMY (1798-1881, landowner & compilor), of Massachusetts. A pocket accounts book, 1846-48

Lot 187


Lot 212

(American Bindings) Pitkin’s 1828 Political and Civil History of the U. S. 2 vols. Tree calf .

Lot 213

De Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 1841, two volumes, full leather

Lot 219

RARE MEXICAN GENEALOGY Fine Color plates; Leather: Historia Genealógica de Las Familias Más Antiguas

Lot 247

Adams defense of the constitution of the U.S. ; other scholarly editions of Early America History

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