Antiquarian Auctions

Auction #120 begins on 16 Jan 2025

Auction #41 Results

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Lot 255

H J Batts

Pretoria from within during the war 1899-1900

Lot 257

Joseph Sachs

Irma Stern and The Spirit of Africa

Lot 263

G.N.van den Bergh

Die Polisiediens in die Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek

argiefjaarboek vir suid-afrikaanse geskiedenis 1975 (Archive yearbook for South African history 1975)

Lot 264

George McCall Theal, Litt.D., L.L.D.,

The Kaffir War of 1835

Documents relating to The Kaffir War of 1835 arranged and seen through the Press by George McCall Theal, Litt.D, .

Lot 266

Rex Gibson (editor)

Rand Daily Mail (Final Edition)

Lot 271

W.F.Andriessen (voorwoord)

Gedenkboek van den Oorlog in Zuid-Afrika

met afbeeldingen en portretten, benevens kaart van Zuid-Afrika

Lot 273

Arnold Benjamin

Lost Johannesburg

Lot 279

Spies, S B

Methods of Barbarism?

Lot 280

Tennant, H, and E M Jackson (eds)

Statutes of the Cape of Good Hope 1652-1897

Chronological Table and Index

Lot 286

Eugene N. Marais


Lot 296

Walton, James


Lot 300

Bailey, Sir Abe


[consisting of books and pamphlets, pictures and prints, busts and bronzes… being the collection of the late Sir Abe Bailey: to be sold by public auction at…

Lot 301

Robert E. Peary

The North Pole

Lot 306

Government Draughtsmen

Statutes of the Orange River Colony 1910 (English and Dutch)

Wetten van de Oranje Rivier Kolonie

Lot 309

Leighton, Frances M

The Genus Agapanthus L'Heritier

Supplementary Volume IV

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