Antiquarian Auctions

Auction #122 begins on 03 Apr 2025

Americana - US Auction #13 Results

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Lot 2

1863 Draft Riots in New York, a sammelband of contemporary works, including very rare pamphlets

Lot 4

Martin Gardner: 46 original letters to John McClellan: friend, artist and mathematician, 1962-1975

Lot 10

Manuscript Americana. Clerk's record book South Goshen School District 1824-1851; S Norfolk to 1904

Lot 89

[REVOLUTIONARY WAR] The United States Elevated to Glory and Honor; Printed by Isaiah Thomas 1785

Lot 91

[Puritans]. Sixe Sermons Preached by Mr. Henry Smith 1621

Lot 94

AFRICAN AMERICANS: 2 items including Stanton On Subject of Slavery 1837; Quincy on Slave States 1856

Lot 97

[U. S. Grant]19th Century Election Ephemera Grant & Wilson, Hayes & Wheeler, etc. ballot broadsides

Lot 99

Americana. Massachusetts Constitution, Declaration of Independence etc. Stockbridge 1805

Lot 113

The Works of Alexander Hamilton 12 volumes

Lot 115

Mass. Imprint: Scarce 1805 speculative theology, illustrated titlepage

Lot 122

Railroad photographs: vintage images of Southern Pacific steam engines, c.1940-1960.

Lot 125

Mary Crombie’s book: bound collection of 14 sermons, Judson interest & others, 1791-1815

Lot 131

1st US treatise on birth control: R. D. Owen 's Moral Physiology, two early editions. 1847 & 1875

Lot 137

Rare Simeon Jones Sermon 1818 Newton NY, with printer’s advert on lower cover misspelling his name

Lot 159

Betsy James WYETH on her husband Andrew: Wyeth at Kuerners. Boston: 1976. 1st ed, 1st printing + DJ

Lot 163

1977 C.A.P.S. poster from Luis Gonzalez of the Royal Chicano Air Force

Lot 166

Civil Rights – 5 color-printed posters [c.1969-c.1990s], 19 x 28 inches and smaller.

Lot 171

Ten American posters offering support to San Salvador, c.1980-1991

Lot 172

Kent Bicentennial Portfolio: Spirit of Independence, 8 of 12 prints, 1975, Ruscha, Indiana, Grooms

Lot 173

Rare 1845 NYC Engraved Firemen Certificate Signed JOHN S. GILES

Lot 182

1st US edition of Johnson's Dictionary, Philadelphia: 1818, 2 volumes, quarto

Lot 187

Swatch Book: Cinderella's Magic Touch Cloth Samples, ephemera

Lot 193

15 posters from California, c.1974-2004, S.F. Mime Troop, legalize Cannabis, etc.

Lot 198

President Bush, 9/11 and the Iraq war: a collection of 16 posters, c.2001-2006

Lot 201

MCM / POP Art - 5 posters / prints from Sister Mary Corita, offset lithos. from unidentified edition

Lot 215

Sitting Bull & other 19th century American History books in decorative cloth Bindings

Lot 223

Free Speech and Voting rights, 8 posters dating from about 1980 to 2004

Lot 246

Presidential signature, James Buchanan & Howell Cobb : customs port of Wheeling, Virginia 1858.

Lot 248

HUMOR: 1884 amateur press, The Weekly Spy; Frying Pan Square, Vol. 1, No. 2

Lot 272


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