Nineveh & Tyre David Turrell
19955 Alexandra's Grove Dr Ashburn, VA 20147, USA
United States
(703) 798-3821
At Nineveh and Tyre we focus on books that speak to the experience of Empire, whether reflected through history, biography, politics, philosophy or fiction. We specialize in works representing the British Empire of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. However, our interest and inventory also features a wider variety of works that speak to the precocious nature of civilization. We are collectors as well as dealers. We take pride in helping fill the spaces on your shelves. All our books are located in Northern Virginia, USA. We will be happy to work with you, before, during, or after auctions, to provide you with shipping quotes that reflect the speed and services you require. We do not regard shipping as a profit centre but try to quote as close as possible to actual cost. We do not charge for time or shipping materials. We are happy to accept payment via PayPal or in $US cheques. Please note that if you wish to pay via PayPal you do not need to have an account with them. We will simply email you a PayPal invoice and you can use any major credit card to pay on their website.