Auction #77 Results
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Lot 397
Transvaal / South African Republic
De Locale Wetten der Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek. 1887-1890
Lot 401
Walton, James
Homesteads and Villages of South Africa
Lot 402
De Kock, W. J.. and D. W. Krüger and C. J. Beyers (editors-in-chief)
Dictionary of South African Biography [5-volume set]
Lot 408
Walter Battiss
South African Paint Pot.
Lot 412
Skaife, Dr S H (author and illustrator); Edward Cole (cover illustration)
What Animal Is That? Ford Guide to Animal Recognition in Southern Africa
Lot 416
William Le Queux
German Atrocities
A Record of Shameless Deeds
Lot 417
The Right Hon Viscount Bryce
Report of the Committee on Alleged German Outrages
Lot 422
Hilliard, O M, and B L Burtt; Auriol Batten (illustrations); L E Codd (foreword)
Dierama. The Hairbells of Africa
Lot 424
Van der Walt, J J A, and P J Vorster (authors); Ellaphie Ward-Hilhorst (illustrator)
Pelargoniums of Southern Africe (3 vols)
Lot 428
Bayer, Bruce; J G Marx (illustrator); J D Venter (photographs); P V Bruyns (foreword)
Haworthia Revisited. A Revision of the Genus. And The New Haworthia Handbook
Lot 433
F.C. Selous
Sport & Travel East and West
Lot 434
Hobson, N K, & J P Jessop; M Ginn & J Kelly (illustrators). B R Roberts (foreword)
Veld Plants of Southern Africa (1975) (copy 40 of the collectors' edition of 50 copies, signed by the authors and illustrators)
Lot 438
Franciscus Lievens Kersteman
Hollandsch Rechtsgeleerd Woordenboek (Two Old Dutch Law Dictionaries published in 1772 & 1777)
Lot 443
J Middlebrook
A Hurried Look Round Durban
One Way of Doing It
Lot 444
Snijman, Deirdre; Ellaphie Ward-Hilhorst (artist); J N Eloff (editor)
A Revision of the Genus Haemanthus L (Amaryllidaceae)
Journal of South African Botany Supplementary Volume No 12