Antiquarian Auctions

Auction #122 begins on 03 Apr 2025

Africana - Auction #78 Results

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Lot 15

Colonel John Maclean, Chief Commissioner of British Kaffraria

Compendium of Kafir Laws and Customs, including Genealogical Table of Kafir Chiefs (1858) - INSCRIBED BY AUTHOR

Very rare Mount Coke Mission Station Publication.

Lot 23


Contact II Struggle For Peace

Lot 61

Simons, Phillida Brooke & Proust, Alain


300 years of hospitality; [text by] Phillida Brooke Simons; photography by Alain Proust

Lot 78

Muller, Hendrick

Oude Tyden in den Oranje-Vrystaat. (Inscribed to Dr.G Mcall Theal from Hendrick Muller - 1907)

Naar Mr.H.A.L.Hamelberg's Nagelaten, Papieren Beschreven.

Lot 92

Milton, John

The Edges of War

A History of Frontier Wars (1702-1878)

Lot 97

Louis Cohen

The Memoirs of Priscilla Countess Whopper (by the author of "Reminiscences of Kimberley")

Lot 100

Henry Brooks


Lot 105

Botha, C. Graham

A Brief Guide to the Various Classes of Documents in the Cape Archives for the Period 1652-1806.

Lot 110

H S Webb

Oorzaken van de Rebellie

Lot 118

Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa

Africa is My Witness-Collector's Edition 784 of 800 copies - SIGNED/Indaba My Children-Collector's Edition-779 of 1212 - SIGNED.

Lot 127

Captain Alfred W. Drayson (A.W. Drayson, Alfred Wilkes Drayson)

Sporting Scenes Amongst the Kaffirs of South Africa

Lot 129

Roualeyn Gordon Cumming, Esq., of Altyre


Lot 133

Charles John Andersson

LAKE NGAMI, 1st edition

Or, Explorations and Discoveries, During Four Years' Wanderings in the Wilds of South Western Africa

Lot 134

Sir Samuel White Baker

ISMAILÏA (2 volumes, 1st edition)

A Narrative of the Expedition to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave Trade organised by ISMAIL, Khedive of Egypt.

Lot 138

Harold Brown, E. Sharp Grew

WAR WITH THE BOERS (5-volume set)

An Account of the Past and Present Troubles with the South African Republics

Lot 147


The Status of the Uitlander

A Lecture delivered by Mr. Advocate Wessels, under the auspices of the Pretoria Uitlanders' Association.

Lot 159

Dixie, Lady Florence; Major Fraser and Captain Beresford (artists)

In the Land of Misfortune (1882) (finely rebound in maroon and green calf)

Author of "Abel Avenged", "Across Patagonia", "A Defence of Zululand and its King"

Lot 180

John Scott Keltie

The Partition of Africa (ARTICLE & MAP)

Lot 205

Statham, F Reginald

South Africa As It Is (1897)

(Author of "Blacks, Boers, and British")

Lot 213

H Rider Haggard

King Solomon's Mines

Lot 233

Theal (George McCall)


A Selection from the Traditional Tales Current Among the People Living on the Eastern Border of the Cape Colony. With copious explanatory notes.

Lot 238


Life of Frederick Courtney Selous, D.S.O. Capt. 25th Royal Fusiliers.

Lot 240

Torday, E. (Emil)

Camp and Tramp in African Wilds

A Record of Adventure, Impressions, and Experiences during many years spent among the Savage Tribes round Lake Tanganyika and in Central Africa, with a description…

Lot 241

Austin, Major Herbert H.

With Macdonald in Uganda

A Narrative Account of the Uganda Mutiny and Macdonald Expedition in the Uganda Protectorate and the Territories to the North

Lot 275

Long, Una

An Index to Authors of Unofficial, Privately owned manuscripts relating to the History of South Africa 1812-1920.

Lot 290

Argus Printing and Publishing Co. (Compilers.)

The Argus Annual and South African Directory 1891.

Lot 291

Cape Times Limited. (Compilers.)

Donaldson & Braby's Cape Town & Suburban Directory 1923.

Lot 311

State President's Office

Government Gazette. Volume 343. No.15466 - Cape Town 28th January 1994 - ACT NO 200. 1993. Consitution of the R.S.A 1993

Act to Introduce a NEW CONSTITUTION for the REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA & to provie for matters incidental thereto.

Lot 317

President Burgers

Official Correspondence. Reply of President Burgers to Despatches of Sir Henry Barkly of 12th and 14th March, 1874.

Lot 345

FitzPatrick, Sir J. Percy


illustrated by E. Caldwell

Lot 356

Ernest Glanville & The Star

THROUGH THE RED REVOLT ON THE RAND (A Pictorial Record of the Violent Industrial Strike that shook the Witwatersrand, 1922)

A Pictorial Review of Events

Lot 368

David Livingstone & Paul Du Chaillue

Dr. Livingstone's and Du Chaillue's Discoveries in Africa (sensationally illustrated booklet, 1883)

Lot 376

F. H. Cooper

Khaki Crusaders. With the South African Artillery in Egypt and Palestine. (1919)

Lot 379

Ewart, J

James Ewart's Journal covering his stay at the Cape of Good Hope (1811-1814)

Also include his expedition to Florida and New Orleans 1814-15

Lot 380

C. J. Mieny

Leipoldt in London: Die Vormingsjare

Nommer 203 van beperkte uitgawe van 250 eksemplare

Lot 385

Fred A. McKenzie, C.N.T. du Plessis, Charles T. Bunce.

The Real Kruger and the Transvaal.

By an Englishman, a Boer and an American.

Lot 463

An Observer

South African Balloons - A Skit on the Boom (Very early Johannesburg printing, 1895)

Lot 466

Lady Bellairs

The Transvaal War 1880 - 1881 (limited facsimile reprint)

Lot 468

F. Alexander Powell

The Last Frontier - The White Man's War for Civilisation in Africa (1912)

Lot 495

Henry Morton Stanley

Coomassie and Magdala. The Story of Two British Campaigns in Africa. (1874)

Lot 573

Jordaan, G


Mededeelingen aangaande het einde dergenen, aan wien gedurende den laaste oorlog, in de Kaap-Kolone, het doodvonnis voltrokken is.

Lot 580

President M. T. Steyn (1857 - 1916)

Original Cheque Signed by the Sixth and Last President of the Orange Free State Republic Martinus Theunis Steyn

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