Antiquarian Auctions

Auction #122 begins on 03 Apr 2025

Africana - Auction #79 Results

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Lot 7

Salvage from the Birkenhead. 1852.

Quill case and sealed bottle of mercury from the Birkenhead.

Lot 32

Geo. C. Henderson

Sir George Grey - Pioneer of Empire in Southern Lands (1907)

1907 biography of Cape of Good Hope & New Zealand Governor & book collector

Lot 66

Charles John Andersson

LAKE NGAMI (with lithographs)

Or, Explorations and Discoveries, During Four Years' Wanderings in the Wilds of South Western Africa

Lot 67

Charles John Andersson

THE OKAVANGO RIVER (first British edition)

A Narrative of Travel, Exploration and Adventure. With numerous illustrations.

Lot 73

Central News Agency. (Compilers.)

Strike Album. Johannesburg, July, 1913.

Lot 109

Transvaal Provincial Government

Statutory Proclamations of the Transvaal, 1900-1902 (Revised to 31st December, 1903)

Published by Authority.

Lot 110

The Right Hon. Sir Wm. Marriott, K.C.

The War and Its Cost: Who Should Pay?

Letters from South Africa

Lot 138

Richard William Murray.

The Diamond-field Keepsake, 1873

Facsimile Edition with added Index. Introduction by Brian Roberts.

Lot 156

Leverton,Dr.B.J.T & Pringle, John. A

The Pioneers of Vryheid the Nieuwe Republiek and its Staats Courant

Lot 159

Saul Solomon & Co. (Compilers.)

The General Directory and Guide Book to the Cape of Good Hope and its Dependencies. 1879.

As well as the Transvaal, Griqualand West, Natal and the Free State. With Calendar and Three Maps.

Lot 162

Guest & Son. (Compilers.)

Souvenir of Grahamstown. 1887.

With Sixteen Illustrations.

Lot 168

Cape Times (Compilers.)

Groote Schuur the Residence of the Right Hon. Cecil J. Rhodes.

Photographs and Descriptive Account of House, Grounds, and Animals.

Lot 193

Latrobe (Rev. C.I.)


With some Account of the Missionary Settlements of the United Brethren, near the Cape of Good Hope

Lot 219

W.P.M. Henderson, Francis G. Pay.

Official South African Municipal Yearbook.

Lot 221

Macmillan and Ferguson. (Compilers.)

Central Cape Colony Illustrated.

Its Commerce, Wealth & Progress.

Lot 223



Lot 224

Chase*, John Centlivres (author); Joseph S Christophers (editor)

The Cape of Good Hope and the Eastern Province of Algoa Bay, etc, etc, with statistics of the Colony (1843)

*A Settler of 1820; Secretary to the Society for Exploring Central Africa; Author of a Map of the Colony; etc etc etc

Lot 249

Tom Sutcliffe


Angles and Anecdotes on Trout Fishing

Lot 264

Robinson, Helen


people and property at Wynberg, 1795-1927

Lot 267

Murray, Marischal


earlier days at Green Point and Sea Point

Lot 269

Moorehead, Alan


Lot 272

Noble, John (Edited)

Illustrated Official Handbook of The Cape and South Africa. 1898.

Lot 278

George McCall Theal


A Description Of The Bushmen, The Hottentots, And Particularly The Bantu, With Fifteen Plates And Numerous Folklore Tales Of These Different People.

Lot 282

Jan van Riebeeck (Ed. H.B. Thom).


3 volumes

Lot 288

President M. T. Steyn (1857 - 1916)

Original Cheque Signed by the Sixth and Last President of the Orange Free State Republic Martinus Theunis Steyn (1916)

Lot 295

HEd. Volksraad. (Compilers.)

Wetboek van den Oranjevrijstaat 1891.

Uitgegeven op Gesag van den HEd. Volksraad.

Lot 297

Frank N. Streatfeild

Kafirland : A Ten Months' Campaign (1879)

Lot 300

George McCall Theal

William Adrian van der Stel and other Historical Sketches (1913) (Willem Adriaan van der Stel)

Lot 365

Thos. Young en F.W. Reitz.

Maskew Miller's Korte Geschiedenis van Zuid-Afrika en zijn Bewoners voor het gebruik van de Scholen.

Lot 366

South African Library

Cape Almanac Series. Volumes 1-29 (1801-1829)

Lot 370

John Bird

Annals of Natal 1495-1845

Lot 371

John Mackenzie

Austral Africa - Losing it or Ruling it (fine two volume set, 1887)

Lot 389

Christiaan Barnard

ONE LIFE (two first edition copies inscribed by the author and world's first heart surgeon)

Lot 390

E. G. Malherbe

Education in South Africa - (with letter from the author to Professor Pieter Duminy and inscribed by Sir David De Villiers Graaff)

One of a hundred copies inscribed by Sir David De Villiers Graaff.

Lot 436

Sir Frederick Young

A Winter Tour in South Africa (1890)

Lot 452

Alfred W. Cole, W. M. Foster, I. S. Bond (editors)

The South African Magazine (1868 - 1869) Ten Volumes

Lot 459

R. R. R. Dhlomo

An African Tragedy (first published novel in English by a black South African author, 1928)

Lot 467

de Kock,W.J et al. (Eds)

Dictionary of South African Biography Volumes 1-5.

Lot 470

T. Arbousset & F. Daumas

Narrative of an Exploratory Tour to the Cape of Good Hope (facsimile reprint of the 1846 edition)

Lot 471

W. B. Boyce

Notes on South African Affairs (limited facsimile reprint of the 1838 Grahamstown edition)

Lot 472

Rev. Henry A. Stern

Wanderings Among the Falashas in Abyssinia; Together with a Description of the Country and its Various Inhabitants

Illustrated by a Map and Twenty Engravings of Scenes and Persons, Taken on the Spot

Lot 477

E. A. T. Dutton

Lillibullero or The Golden Road

Lot 478

Rodseth, Fred


the life of a Native Affairs administrator

Lot 480

Mrs. H. Grattan Guinness

The New World of Central Africa.

With a History of the First Christian Mission on the Congo.

Lot 502

Mayson (John Schofield)


Lot 539

Captain Henry Hallam Parr

A Sketch of the Kafir and Zulu Wars. Guadana to Isandhlwana (copy inscribed by the author, Anglo-Zulu War, 1880)

Lot 540

Miss Frances E. Colenso

The Ruin of Zululand: An Account of British Doings in Zululand since the Invasion of 1879. (Vol.I. only, 1884)

Lot 561

Transvaal Administration

Transvaal 1960 - Commemoration of 50 years of Union

Lot 587

The Right Hon. Sir Bartle Frere

Afghanistan and South Africa. A Letter to the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone regarding Portions of His Midlothian Speeches. (1881)

Lot 589

William Plomer

The Fivefold Screen (#2 of a limited & signed edition, 1932)

South African author who discovered Ian Fleming

Lot 601

Capt. Augustus F. Lindley

After Ophir, or, A Search for the South African Gold Fields (1870)

Lot 602

Fitzpatrick (Sir Percy)

JOCK OF THE BUSHVELD (Scarce uncorrected 5th Impression)

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